Does Toronto Tap Water Have Fluoride 2022?
Does Toronto Tap Water Have Fluoride 2022?
The City of Toronto continues to fluoridate its drinking water despite objections over its negative effects. People have the right to fluoride free drinking water, they should not be forced to consume a deadly toxin. On their website, the city states that “fluoride occurs naturally in the environment” and can be found in the soil, air, and water. However, the fluoride that Toronto adds to the water is a highly toxic compound called Hydrofluosilicic acid which is a byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry. This also differs from the fluoride that is used in toothpaste as it is pharmaceutical grade.
But Fluoride Helps Your Teeth
Most of the world does not fluoridate its water despite what proponents of water fluoridation would have you believe. The 97% of European countries that do not add fluoride to their water show no difference in tooth decay rates to the 3% of European countries that do. The City of Toronto makes no mention of this on their website, opting for the logical fallacy of appeal to authority by listing several agencies and government organizations that endorse putting fluoride in Toronto tap water.
How to Remove Fluoride from Tap Water
The best way to get fluoride free water is to use a fluoride water pitcher filter. Not only do they remove fluoride in tap water, but they remove countless other contaminants like illicit and prescription drugs, that are not adequately filtered from the City of Toronto’s drinking water. Filtering your water is the best investment you can make in your family’s health. Get your water filters in Toronto as Best Water Canada today! The question is, does Toronto tap water have fluoride? You bet it does, and it needs to be removed from the water you drink.
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